Mobile Gadgets, etc.
iTunes reaches one billion sales
I suppose it really does pay to download music legally. Well in this case it did... Apple awarded their grand prize for the One Billionth song purchased and downloaded from the iTunes music store to Alex Ostrovsky from West Bloomfield, Michigan. Congrats for being honest Alex!2.25.2006
Mobile Wi-Fi Box
Have mobile wi-fi box, will travel. The concept of having mobile wireless internet is not new but with this gadget it could redefine the way you choose to pay for internet services. The Mobile Wi-Fi boxes, which are made by a few different companies at this time, require a wireless data card from a cellular provider. Granted if your laptop already has a wireless card port you won't need the box, but there are some notebooks that don't have this capability...enter the Mobile Wi-Fi Box. Now first off it won't really be that fast unless it's a wireless company that's already deployed UMTS or HSPDA (EDGE is pretty decent but it's not the stuff that high speed dreams are made of). How about getting rid of that cable modem or DSL and hooking the box up to your desktop PC? Change is inevitable.2.22.2006
Stik & Stor
Coming soon...Up to 8GB of external storage for your mobile phones. With the new wave of phones that are resource hogs, US Modular has recognized the need for extra memory and has delivered the Stik&Stor. The small external storage cell comes with syncing software and is compatible with phones that have Micro SD or T-Flash ports.2.18.2006
Palm being sold?

Could it be true that the PDA maker is being bought? Apple, HP, Dell, and RIM are a few of the companies rumored to be potential buyers.
iShirt - iPod Shuffle ONLY!

Here's something you can wear with your iPod Jeans, it's the iShirt. The iShirt is ONLY compatible with the iPod Shuffle. If used with the iPod Mini or regular iPod it could damage the hard drive.