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Mouse phone

In the "I doubt I'll use this but it'll be a neat gadget to have" department, we have the new
VoIP phones that double as a computer mouse. To me it's simply not a practical device. If I have my phone to my ear then most of the time I have my mouse in my hand maneuvering through data or email.
Aving.net via
Mood-Sensing cellphone
The Mood-Sensing cellphone itself has yet to materialize but the idea was presented during Motorola's first
MOTOFWRD contest. John Finnan, the inventor of the concept, walked away with the grand prize in the competition that challenged students to think "forward" in the mobile communications world. The phone is supposed to analyze and interpret speech patterns of a caller and visually display a light with a color that corresponds with the persons current mood.
This could come in very handy for those of you who get the "where are you call?" from your boss or spouse (in some cases these are one and the same).
T3 Mag]
I've been feeling bad the past few days. Not sick-bad, but guilty-bad. Ya see, my friend M has a Mac and like 2 days after I posted
my blurb about pretentious Mac owners M's Mac crashed. Today M found out that all the data on the hard drive was unrecoverable. Even though it was a bad logic board and not my post that jinxed M's Mac, I still feel a little guilty. I'm sorry about your Mac M.
Opera Mini released
Got a phone with Java? Then download the new Opera Mini browser and give it a try. Opera Software launched it's new browser today to the rest of the world. The new mobile phone browser is supposed to load quicker and use less memory. And guess what website is the default homepage? I'll give you a hint...the name has two g's and two o's and an 'le' at the end.
If you want to download via WAP for free then direct your mobile browser to http://mini.opera.com, or via SMS at the same address for a $fee$.
[Source: Mobile Tracker]
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Free - Email to cellphone messaging
Really! Teleflip founder Guy Botham created an application that lets you send text messages to a cellphone from your PC email AND it's FREE! All ya have to do is surf over to the
Teleflip website and send your message from there OR you can just enter (yourcellphonenumber)@teleflip.com [without the parenthesis] in the address bar of your email application and hit send. Apparently behind the scenes the program does it's
kungfu and routes the message.
Ahhh, my thumbs feel better already.
The UK always gets the cool stuff first
Samsung's new E770 mobile will have a special feature that enables you to communicate via
touch sensations.
VibeTonz created by Immersion gives you ability to interact with your phone. Hmm, now how could I use a this feature, hmmm, maybe to communicate with co-workers during long boring training classes, a "hug" for my hypothetical sweetie, or a special notification while I'm under the hair dryer at the beauty salon?
Never fear, I have a MAC...heh
Well, well, my MAC loving peers aren't you guys
just a bit pretentious. BBC's
Go Digital commentator Bill Thompson has some
interesting things to say.

Your MACs may be safer but they are not immune from attack. Muahahahahaha!
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MTV News reviews CES favorites
MTV News has
posted an article listing their favorite gadgets at the
Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas last weekend. They even have a photo gallery showing 10 of the 13 gadgets they reviewed. Check it out.
Motorola Bluetooth Headset
I have a new crush...

Are these beautiful or what? Wires BE GONE!
Ringtone Converter
Need to convert your ringtone? Check out
this new tool created by
Unwiredtec, Inc. There's no software to download; it's a completely online tool. The converter does limit the ringtone to 20 seconds though.
Tabletop Fireplace
I found
this gadget of sorts to be highly stylish. If I had the dough I'd be buying one of these attractive tabletop fireplaces. It just makes me want to curl up with a good book.
iPod Jeans
Uh huh, that's right, I said iPod jeans.
Levi Strauss announced they have specially designed a pair of jeans to be used with the Apple iPod. The jeans are supposed to be released in Fall 06. Levi's iPod jeans are among an ever
growing collection of accessories for the popular digital music player.
Nokia N-Gage is out
Mobile gamers weep silently...
Nokia will
no longer be producing the
N-Gage device, however they will continue to make games for the phone. The games are great no doubt, but HEY NOKIA, the device itself was a break through for mobile gaming because of it's design. I hope you crazy Fins have something else in store for us.
CES - A gadgeteers orgy
Consumer Electronics Show (CES) has descended up Las Vegas, Nevada. Gadget lovers near and far have come to pay homage to their gods. The show runs Jan 5-8 and their should be a ton of announcements and new releases.
Cable vs DSL
My internet service is down again, argh! I've had my fill of my ISP. The cable company that I use is very unreliable. This is the fourth time in six months that I've been without internet service, each occurrence lasting 2-4 days. I've made the decision to switch to DSL. First thing Tuesday morning I'll be ordering DSL from my local phone company.
Good thing I have a data card, I can at least get a connection even if the transfer rates are a little better than dial up. I'll be using the card for essential internet duties until my cable is fixed and/or my DSL is installed, but that is it. I'm too impatient for any extensive research or surfing.
Yeah, I'm a spoiled high-speed internet brat.