Mobile Gadgets, etc.
D&G Gold Moto Razr V3i - Update
Quick update on my previous entry about the Dolce and Gabbana Gold Motorola Razr V3is. Apparently, the 1000 that are being produced are only being sold at Dolce and Gabbana boutiques in Europe. I think a few of these will some how end up on an online auction somewhere.12.26.2005
Commodore Comeback
The makers of the popular 1980s home computer, the Commodore 64, are releasing a few new products in 2006. They will be bringing consumers a MediaBox and a Navigator. The MediaBox is a home entertainment package with music, video, photo and television features. The Navigator is a multipurpose device, that provides video and audio options along with GPS.Commodore will also be releasing a MediaTower which is targeted for retail enviornments. The MediaTower is for consumers that want to transfer digital media to portable devices.
Cellphones are not edible
From the Odd News Vault....Probably most of you already know this, but I'll say it anyway, cellphones are not edible. (Not at the moment anyway) Apparently a lady in Missouri didn't understand that little tidbit.
UPDATE 12/29/05 - Turns out this lady was a victim of assault. Check this article for more information.
Germ Conscious
Remember when I posted about my "Phone Condom?" Yeah, well, that wasn't it's *official* name. However, I have found that there are actually phone condoms available.Santa Worm attacks Instant Messagers
Don't click on the picture of Santa if your buddy IMs you. It could be an executable file that contains a worm that embeds itself into your PC. The IM.GiftCom.all worm is attacking Yahoo, AIM, and MSN instant messengers. I don't think Santa would have any part of a scam like this.[Source Cnet via WebProNews]
iTunes and Quicktime Security Flaw
Yikes!If you're using current or older versions of iTunes and Quicktime on Windows or Mac OS, be careful of the media files you are downloading and opening. A flaw was discovered in early December by researcher Tom Ferris. Cnet sources categorize the flaw as "moderately critical" or "critical."
[Source Cnet]
Nope, I'm not talking about "We Owned the Other Team" or "Waste Of Our Time." I'm talking about definition #6 in the Urban Dictionary. Yep, "Woot!" as in I'm expressing some major geeky joy.Woot! is also an online store that offers unbelievable 1 day only deals on "cool stuff." You have to be quick though, each item is posted at midnight CST (GMT -6), and if it's a good one, it'll be sold out in no time.
Now you know one of my secrets. I'm glad we're getting to know one another better. It gives me a warm fuzzy.
Nokia 7370
Coming soon...Scheduled for release in the 1st quarter of 2006, the Nokia 7370 dons metal and fabric trim. It has a southeast Asian look to it. This will be Nokia's first spin-style phone, boasting a 1.3 megapixel camera (eh, could be better), EGPRS class 6, email clients - IMAP4, POP3, and SMTP protocols, and a FM radio option.
Motorola & NICE Release Wireless Video Surveillance Solution
Watch out bad guys! Motorola and NICE Systems have teamed up to bring forth a wireless video surveillance system. This should have Public Safety folks grinning from ear to ear, as the system will allow them to place cameras where normal hardlines aren't able to go.Motorola Q

Wow, I mean, wow! This is one sexy phone. That is if phones can be sexy. Wow. It's as thin as the RAZR, it uses Windows Mobile OS, it has QVGA display, a miniSD slot, and a 1.3 megapixel camera.
1.5 million drivers talk on cellphones
It's not a really big surprise that this amount of people use their cellphones while driving. Just sit at any given intersection and take a glance around, but only a glance because after all you are driving.Anybody else think that earbuds/headsets should be mandatory? I do. More widespread legislation regarding cellphone use in automobiles is bound to be coming. Why not get used to using the headsets now?
Binary Watch
For the geek in you and me comes an accessory so cool, it could surely up our status to hip or trendy. It's the swell new Binary LED Watch. We'll be living large with this precious chipset and semiconductor find.12.14.2005
Motorola PEBL
T-Mobile launched the PEBL today. This cell phone features Quad-Band GSM, Bluetooth capabilities, a VGA camera and a righteous clamshell design. Ooooo, ooo, and it has an "opening mechanism" for one handed operation. Classy. Motorola just keeps stepping it up with their new hip designs.12.13.2005
Old Firefox bug at risk
Attention Firefox version 1.0.4 users, now's the time for an upgrade, looks like the vunerability in this old version could potentially allow a hacker to run code on your computer without your knowledge. The attack code for this version of Firefox was published this past weekend. Those of you using version 1.0.5 or higher should be safe.[Source cnet]
Phone Condom
Heh. Really, it's a skin case used for protection. Heh. No really it is. It's for my Treo 650 and it has a belt clip, BONUS!I don't think I own a phone that I haven't dropped. Those pretty, shiny cover plates are all busted up because of normal day to day use, and the occasional night use. Not for my Treo 650 though, this smartphone is protected from my clumsy if negligent ways.
Escape Ring
There's always a "Bob" at your office, right? You know Bob, he's the guy/girl that goes from cube to cube all day and talks your face off while you could be doing valuable work. No matter what you try to do to get rid of him/her, he/she sits and incessantly talks about things you have no interest in. A turned back won't work, a nod and "uh huh" won't work, a deep stare into space won't work, but you know what will? A phone call.Guess what the folks over at Ring4Freedom Corporation have cooked up? Software for your computer that rings your phone when you need to "get away." You can even preset your mobile to ring at a certain time.
Loose earbud?

Have you ever been driving along and your cell phone earpiece falls out of your ear? I wish I had a nickel everytime it has happened to me. Well, it looks like that shouldn't happen again because I found the EarBudFitKit a couple of days ago.
I have a Moto RAZR and the earpiece for it, quite frankly, sucks. I really can't keep the earbud in my ear for more than a minute. It's quite irritating. So, I'm off to purchase one of these puppies and give it a try.
[Source: Cell Phone News]
Gold Moto RAZR V3i
For the rapper (or celeb) in you...Dolce & Gabanna are producing 1000 of these flashy Gold Moto V3i's.UPDATE - 12/27/05
Motorola V3i Press Release
Treo 650 - "Best in Class"
Palm's Treo 650 was chosen by Strategy Analytics as the best converged device in the United States. I personally carry the Treo 650 and can attest to it's ease of use and nice look and feel. As compared with a Blackberry 7290, my former device, the Treo 650 is like getting off of a ten speed bike and stepping into a limosine. However, (as with most other devices) I do have a few "beefs" with the 650. First, stability, i.e. random resets and screen freezes. The random resets have supposedly been rectified with newer software. Second, the OS. I'm waiting patiently for the 700w with Windows Mobile to make it's way through customer land.12.06.2005
It didn't work
UPDATE:A co-worker and I tried to unlock a vehicle remotely over our cellphones today and it didn't work. I'll probably try it again with different phones but as for now my findings indicate that it won't work. FYI, I was using a Moto RAZR and he was using a Nokia.
Phone chair
Is this beanbag cell phone chair, not the cutest thing you've ever seen? I sooooo want one! I'm always scuffing up my phones or misplacing them. I think I'll buy one or two or three for myself for Christmas.[Source -Cell Phone News]
One more reason to own a cell phone
The first thing I do tomorrow when I get to work will be to wrangle and co-worker and check this out for myself.According to, if you've locked your keys in your car and someone has another remote keyless entry device at home, then you'll be able to open your car door over the phone, regardless of physical distance.
Stay tuned: I'll report back on my findings tomorrow.
Here's a real cool toy, I mean cell phone. With just 5 buttons it's a great concept, I just don't think it'll be a favorite of children over 10 years of age. It lacks a certain "coolness" factor for pre-teens. They're more apt to go for the real deal. In all actuality there are probably some senior citizens that would prefer a cell phone with just the basic buttons. Something that is just simple and easy to use.More cell phones than PCs in China
Americans are way behind in this little revelation. CNET reports that cell phones outnumber PCs in China. I wonder where they dispose of all the broken ones? I'll have to research that.12.04.2005
Stereo Dock for SE Music Phones
DUDE! This is awesome! Shiver my geeky timbers! This is such a practical device and multifunctional. How many of you go to work and sit in a cube farm all day without music in your life? Plop your Sony Ericsson phone right down in the cradle, blast some Ted Leo and the Pharmacists, charge your phone battery, and connect it to your PC. How cool is that? (I may be overreacting a bit since my favorite color is orange.) Engadget reports that it may not be a real Sony Ericsson product, but c'mon SE this is a good looking little gadget.Treo 700w
While I love the feel of my Treo 650 and I'm dancing with delight at the thoughts of having Windows Mobile on a Treo, I can't help but feel hesitant. First, because of the known issues with the Treo 650 and secondly because of the bad taste Windows Mobile has left in my mouth from other experiences. I think I'll wait until this guy has been through the "customer ringer" first.12.03.2005
To all the phones I've loved before (or not)
Check out the photo arrangement over there ------> (in the sidebar) -----> I've put together a collage of phones and gadgets that I've used in the past. Some I liked others I didn't. If you want to know my opinion on any of them, ask.Tired of talking to machines
Frustrated with talking to a machine or punching in numbers repeatedly when you're trying to get service? Well, check out this website developed by Paul English. Mr. English has put together a list of cheats for IVR (Interactive Voice Response) systems. It also seems he has ruffled some feathers in the IVR industry.Nike has a new iPod accessory
Nike has produced a new armband for iPod owners. Made for those of us with active lifestyles, it's totally washable, but the iPod, not so much. Well at least marathoners now have a stylish yet affordale option to holster their iPod, which by the way holds plenty of music for their 26 mile trek.Nike Gives In, Releases iPod nano Armband [Gizmodo]
Camera phones
Sales are up. DUH! Darn near every Tom, Dick, and Harry has a camera phone these days. Two of the three 'expected soon' Nokia N series phones will have camera capabilities. Does anybody else feel like Big Brother may be watching?12.01.2005
AOL Mobile Web Search coming
AOL is trailing (timewise) Yahoo and Google with their mobile based web search, but the technology is a doozie in comparison. Yahoo lauched it's browser based search in July (available to WAP enabled phones only) which uses transcoding to translate web pages for smaller screens, while Google delivers it's search results via SMS, viewable in text only messages.AOL's Mobile Search Services will also use transcoding to "shrink" web pages to fit mobile device screens. The technology that AOL plans to use was developed by Infogin.[cnet] The expected results are impressive. I'm very interested to see this application in action.
Mobile web browsing may still be in it's infancy here in the states, but I think it's an up and coming commodity. Technology knows no limits it seems.